Data is priceless today, but it is also highly vulnerable. Everyone has read about at least one major data breach that has affected thousands, if not millions, of individuals. Each breach negatively impacts the company’s reputation, and the consequences can be costly.
Basic cybersecurity measures such as firewalls and antivirus software aren’t enough to overcome the industry’s most significant risks today. For this reason, many companies require their workers to participate in Information Assurance Management Training. Today, information assurance takes a holistic approach to security, ensuring more comprehensive coverage.
What is Information Assurance?
Most people understand that data must be secured but are clueless about information assurance. This approach ensures the security of data and the systems used to store, process, and analyze it. Furthermore, individuals in this field also work to safeguard physical information as it transitions to digital formats. Information assurance is built on five pillars.
The first pillar is availability, which means authorized users must be able to access information when needed. This requires a robust infrastructure that will prevent attacks without limiting data availability. The second pillar is integrity, which means data must remain in its original state when transmitted. Any tampering or alteration compromises the data.
Authentication is used to confirm a person’s identity before being provided data access. Sensitive data must remain confidential and only accessible to those who need it most. Encryption plays a role in confidentiality, ensuring only authorized users see the information. Non-repudiation is a means to verify proof of delivery for both the sender and recipient. Cybercriminals find it hard to overcome this proof of delivery.
Information Assurance and Cybersecurity
Information assurance and cybersecurity go hand in hand. People often confuse the two practices, but cybersecurity is a subset of information assurance. Information assurance professionals provide insight and guidance into which cybersecurity strategy should be used for various situations.
Cyber security experts work on securing devices and networks, while information assurance professionals aim to secure data and keep sensitive information confidential. When doing so, these professionals also ensure the data remains accessible by authorized users.
These experts tend to react to attacks. In contrast, information assurance specialists mitigate risks and ensure the company complies with all rules and regulations. Information assurance takes a holistic approach, while cyber security is narrower.
Both fields share common goals. They work to protect organizations and end users from various risks, which results in some shared skills and techniques. Furthermore, individuals in each field often have soft skills that translate to other industries. Problem-solving and communication are two soft skills that information assurance and cybersecurity professionals need.
Is Information Assurance the Right Career Choice?
How can a person know if information assurance is the right career for them? Men and women with strong technical skills and leadership abilities often find themselves enjoying working in this industry. Individuals with these skills remain in high demand as experts are needed to protect and secure information systems. Job security is robust in this industry, and salaries remain competitive.
Men and women considering careers as cybersecurity engineers, information assurance analysts, or information security officers should learn more about these opportunities. If they feel this would be a good fit, they should consider pursuing a Bachelor of Science in Information Systems and seeking certification. Doing so will allow them to stand out in a competitive field and secure a job they love.